
Sitting Comfortably
Pet Care

Pet Preferred and Parent Trusted Pet Care Solution
Delivering QUALITY Through Service Without Compromise | 816-739-8511

Key/Code Management

Sitting Comfortably provides multiple Access Management Solutions to ensure your key/codes are always kept safe and secure with YOU having 100% control!!!  

Lockbox (MOST POPULAR!!) - Holding keys on file and/or making copies for service companies is a thing of the past!!  Why not keep your key(s) secure and in your control 100% of the time! SCPC offers the Lockbox Access Solution.  Here's how it works!!

  1. Clients purchase a lockbox from SCPC for one time fee of $23 or $25, for a padlock lockbox or a wall mounted lockbox, respectively. (Retail $36 - $50+)  Now that's a DEAL!!
  2. Once purchased, the Box will be the Client's property indefinitely!!
  3. Anytime services are requested, the Client will simply place their key(s) inside the lockbox and securely hang it from a designated area (usually an access door).
  4. The lockbox code will be saved in a secure area of the Portal and your Sitter will be able to access your home by simply using the dial to enter the code in order to retrieve the key(s).
  5. Services will be executed and once EACH visit has ended, the Sitter will place the key(s) back in the lockbox 

This method of Access allows our Clients to have 100% control over their house keys. Hiding your keys on the property is a personal choice, but it is one SCPC recommends against!  You never know who is watching your Sitter each time they bend over to pick-up the key placed under a mat, in a flower pot, etc.  Keeping your home secure is our priority!!  With the Lockbox Access Solution, keys are ultimately never misplaced, lost, copied, etc. and the lockbox can be used by other service companies, friends and family members!!


Code Access - Choosing to leave your garage/door/gate code(s) on file is convenient and easy!!  BUT, keep this in mind when selecting this option...

  1. SCPC strongly encourages Clients to ALSO have a lockbox with a key available! If there is ever a power outage or the unit has a low battery or malfunctions, your Sitter will not be able to access your home.  
  2. Keeping a spare key in the garage, seems great, but a power outage, etc. would prevent your sitter from accessing your home.

*Hiding your keys on the property is a personal choice, but it is one SCPC recommends against.  If this is your best option during an active service period, we will only use/retrieve the key if the Code Access Solution fails.


Keys pick-up / Key return - Client's keys will be picked-up prior to the service period beginning and dropped off once the service period has ended. There is a $6 fee for the pick-up and drop-off.

  1. If there is a way to secure your keys in the home after the final visit (to avoid the drop-off fee), we will be glad to do so!  
  2. Please keep in mind, if your trip is extended SCPC may not be able to access the home in order to resume services.


We provide Pet Sitting, Dog Walking, Cat Sitting, Dog Sitting, Overnight Pet Sitting, Dog Boarding and MUCH more to the following cities!!
Kansas Missouri
Overland Park
Prairie Village
Roeland Park
Kansas City

Call if your area is not listed!


Clients wishing to take advantage of our Private Dog Boarding Visits can reside in areas outside the locations listed above. Please call or email for further information.